I've been in a few situations where I needed to manually remove or uninstall a LiveCycle LCA due to some sort of corruption that might have occurred. I obviously recommend dealing with Adobe Support if you run into this situation, but nevertheless, this has worked for me.
Please take a backup before running this!
delete from adobe.tb_sc_application_config where uuid = (select head_application_configuration_uuid from adobe.tb_sc_application where name = 'LCANAME')
delete from adobe.tb_rep_resource where path like '% LCANAME/%'
delete from adobe.tb_sc_tlo_references where applicationname = 'LCANAME'
delete from adobe.tb_sc_service_category where id = 'LCANAME'
delete from adobe.tb_sc_service_configuration where application_config_uuid = (select head_application_configuration_uuid from adobe.tb_sc_application where name = 'LCANAME')
delete from adobe.tb_sc_service_configuration where service_uuid in (select uuid from adobe.tb_sc_service where id like 'LCANAME/%')
delete from adobe.tb_sc_service where id like 'LCANAME/%'
delete from adobe.tb_sc_application_tlo where designtime_store_url like '% LCANAME%'
delete from adobe.tb_sc_application_config where application_id = (select id from adobe.tb_sc_application where name = 'LCANAME')
delete from adobe.tb_sc_archive where id = (select archive_oid from adobe.tb_sc_application where name = 'LCANAME')
delete from adobe.tb_sc_endpoint where name like 'LCANAME/%'
delete from adobe.tb_sc_application where name = 'LCANAME'